Sunday, February 21, 2016

Obey Your Leaders

Hebrews 13:17
"Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you."
I read this and immedeatley my Pastor back home, Pastor Nathan, came to mind. For the past year and a half he was always there to try to guide me in the right direction. Even when I had left NY and ran to Cali and started using drugs again for awhile, he didn't give up on me. He was in constant contact with my mom about where I was and what was going on. He would also try calling me and he prayed for me daily. When I wound up back in NY he was so happy to see me again and know that I was okay. He counseled me daily, and would even check up on me during the week to make sure I didn't go off course. As soon as I stepped foot into his church I became part of his flock, and it reminds me of the Parable of The Lost Sheep that Jesus told in Luke 15. I had gone astray but I was ultimatley led back to the Lord through him, my mom and others from the church. There was and still is so much rejoicing over this. Since I have come back to the Lord he has continued to guide me in the right direction. It was him that had suggested that I come here to Potters Field. Ill be honest, I didn't want to come here at first. My flesh was holding me back because I still didn't want to give up my past life. As it drew closer I became more and more excited about it though, and Im beyond happy that I did come. He felt very strongly that being here was God's will for this season of my life and after much prayer and meditation I believed it was as well. God has placed leaders above me to help guide me and to continue to grow me in Him. Obeying them also means that I am obeying God as well. If i go against thier counsel, then I am also hurting myself and stunting my growth. If i go against them over and over again, eventually I will go astray and I don't want that to happen. I don't want anything to hinder my relationship with Him.
Today I will not only obey the leaders that God has placed in my life outwardly, but I will do it inwardly as well, with a willing heart. If I feel any resistance from my flesh I will stop and pray in the moment that God would give me His strength and soften my heart.

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